© Crafty Carp 2025
News with regular updates
As well as taking on some of the UK’s Big Carp waters this year. Kingfisher & Swan to name just two. (Bluebells Lakes, Tansor). Hopefully Wellington Country Park. “After an 8 year wait on the list, it must be me next. He begs”! We have unfinished business in Europe on a couple of waters which I now believe are ready to produce something very special. We like “Old School”  trips abroad. We do not serve a “Master”. Crafty Carp have no Bait Company or Tackle Company Sponsorship. So its……. 1. Range Rover. 2. Rods & Tackle. 3. Bait. 4. Kit Bags. 5. No Advanced Party. 6. No Pre Baiting Swims. 7. No Nonsense.   Tight Lines. TT.
Storm Troopers. SS 3000's all greased up ready for the new season.
The Twente Kanal
The only other person who really knew our secret Cut was Mr R Hutchinson. We bumped into him regularly on this canal in the mid / late 1980’s. It’s been forgotten about by all, but us ‘Old Boys’. Its Delden. A town in the Dutch province of Overijssel and, since 2001, in the municipality of Hof van Twente. Although its population is small, it gained city rights in 1333. The water holds some shockingly large carp, big Tench and Snotty Bream. The canal banks are devoid of anglers. Pictures’ the Amstel Beer is sweet the food is good the fishing is; Stunning. TT.
The Osty. Or The Osterfeldsee. (Osterfeld Lake)
Osterfeld is a town in the Burgenlandkreis district, in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. It is situated southeast of Naumburg. It is part of the Verbandsgemeinde Wethautal. Located in close proximity to the Weser, and 5 mins by car to the town centre supermarkets. This body of water offers everything an angler dreams of. Unspoiled nature, great views, quiet fishing spots, varied shallow and deep water zones, bays and islands and a good fish population. Carp to 50Lb +. A Rock Hard water which dates back to pre-war Germany. We have unfinished business.
As the 2020 season creeps by, it’s a judgement call. 1. Line up at the gates of one of my favourite UK waters waiting for the All In with hundreds of other eager like-minded Carp Anglers. (If we are ever let back on the waters that is). 2. Sneak off to the continent with miles of empty Rivers & Canals, which I know will be rock hard-but peaceful & devoid of other anglers. We do miss the gentle boat traffic!! Lol. TT.
After am 8 year wait. I have my ticket for Wellington Country Park. Honoured, Privileged & Excited www.wellingtonestates.co.uk
Tip… Please Stay away from Dick Heads. They are very easy to spot, especially on waters in the Peterborough area of the UK. They can’t cast with ease. They have no hand – eye coordination. They do not Sit on their rods and would not know a “Drop Back Bite” if it smacked them in the jaw. (Being 20 foot from their rods they would never get to it anyhow). They need a bait boat to put their rigs out. They do not move swims to showing fish. Ever. They are the talentless / goby type bags of shit giving it large, and catching Jack Shit having paid £1200 for a syndicate ticket. Lol! Tip….Please stay away from these fucking morons. They have nothing to teach you. TT.
OLD NEWS! I love finding old pics of days gone by. Burghfield Main Lake 2013. A Stunning Full Years Angling. 5 Days on-2 days off. We caught a few “Lumps”. TT
Lincoln businessman’s helping hand completes Eloise’s bionic arm appeal
CEO of Harriet & George Leagal Consultants, Toby Taylor, contacted The Lincolnite and the family to offer help on Wednesday evening.
Spring in the air! Casters. Maggots. Bloodworm. Crumb Get on fine baits. Small hooks. Tight lines TT
The Weed
Ok a bit of News. As promised we said that if we heard anything from my people in Germany we would spill it. My contact in Germany, a science boffin at the cutting edge of Plant Based Fish Friendly Proteins has just called me to say she may be able to help. So, The Weed may come out in boilie form if it’s possible, we refuse to contaminate it with crap, as such its taking a little tweaking. To put it mildly. We are not going to fill it with preservatives / synthetic flavours just so that you
can stick in your tackle room for a year. If we freeze the shit out of it, the beautiful, delicate plant cells / molecules are destroyed by the ice crystals. Its one step backwards two steps forward. It is 100% natural, with not a single artificial / synthetic flavour or preservative in it. It’s not news that we are back using carpets of ground bait which is hoovered up by everything with gills. It doesn’t last long on the deck and this makes it very hard to kill your swim. Which is a good thing. Stick a few kilos of rock hard 18 mill’s into the drink on the wrong day, and you can be in the shit from the off. (Try really hard not to do this regardless of what you are seeing on TV. It’s very bad practice. You can always stick it in, taking it back out requires Scuba gear). Anyone who has seen me / us going about a session, will have seen us unloading 50 Green Balls, laced with Casters, Hemp, Bloodworm, Chopped Lob Worms, Minced Tigers, Liquidized Maggots etc into the drink with a Drennan Whopper Dropper or a Bating Pole & Spoon if in the Margins. Yes, very Old School, but it’s very, very effective. So, if my German boffin mate can stabilize it, we may make a 500g bag of The Weed to use as hookers. But only if that does not compromise the 20-year-old recipe that we make in my kitchen at home. If it can’t be done, so be it, we will continue to make it in small batches, and use it before it goes furry as we currently do now. Tight Lines.
Net Weather Always check the Air Pressure and The Weather Patterns. It’s Not Rocket Science Guys. We are surrounded by technology. Use it. Do the right things at the right time. Switch on!! TT.
It’s Still Cold But That’s OK Slide onto a water, quietly, no fuss, leave your Ego at home. Short day session. Small Baits & Small Hooks. (Double Plastic Caster size 8 Cryogen or similar). Tiny bag of casters and the usual bit of Bloodworm Crumb. Pick it up if you get noise and the arm, dropper, bobbin moves in any direction at all. 3 beeps = LIFT!! Its doable, it just takes a little hard work Guys. It beats sitting on the sofa. Tight Lines. TT
I have people giving way too much negative interest, because I am doing stuff differently from the Crowd now. Guys. If the postering morons want to sit in their Bivies, 20 feet from their rods, missing bites, so be it. Good luck to them it’s their journey. YOU do not get involved anymore. YOU know that Its wrong now! Its lazy! Its unprofessional. It aint good practice. YOU concentrate on your own session. YOU ignore the crowd; group think is very unhealthy. Anything that you do, which does not fit the Group will irritate them. Group think helps insecure people, feel secure. The Group is scared shitless of your new technique, your new confidence, knowledge, ability and the fact that YOU are now catching regularly. Never allow uneducated, sloppy, posturing, clowns to deter you from your goal of catching Carp.
Q. Are the mob catching Big Carp regularly? If the answer is a big fat NO, then why do you want to be part of that Group?? Misery loves company. YOU walk away. YOU walk your own walk. YOU fish your own sessions. YOU trust in your new-found techniques and ability. YOUR results WILL come, as long as you continue to do the right things at the right time, it will happen. And remember to use the right bait, based on each individual session / water you fish. (Tip. Try fishing shorter sessions). Give every session 100%. Sit on your rods. You will not hit a big Drop Back Bite / 3 or 4 Bleeps / A big Banging Tip Pull Down / A Short Run from 20 yards away, will you? YOU should leave the water knowing that you gave it everything you had, after every session. Do this and your catch rate will go through the roof. Go Hard or Go Home! TT.
Bloodworm & Joker It’s that time of year. I buy mine Live every week, and freeze what I do not use. However I try not to freeze it, unless I really must. I fish mine through a Preston 40g Feeder sandwiched between a little Bloodworm Crump and fish for a bite every cast. I use a bespoke Epoxy Bloodworm Hook. It’s a devastating method.
It does not matter where it lands, I’m happy to stick my rig straight into the green stuff. Carp will find it!!! TT.
I’m So Glad You Sell Sthpooooooons!!!!
Pole Pots as we used to call them on The Match scene have been around for a very long time now. They are nothing new at all. I remember building a make shift one 35 years ago using the plastic container from the inside of a Chocolate Kinder Egg, making a couple of holes in it and gluing it onto a spare top section of my 16 metre (Tricast Aristocrat) pole. The Carp scene simply stole this from the Match guys and put the whole thing on steroids. Seriously though, It is a vital piece of equipment and you really should have a baiting pole & spoon in your bag. It is the best way to feed a close in swim or a hard to reach margin hotspot. Using a bait spoon also helps keep noise to a minimum as opposed to smashing the granny out of your inside line with a spomb!
It does not have to be brand new, you can find a decent one on eBay for £70 quid. Once you start using it you will never go back to scaring carp out of your swim ever again. Tight lines.
Fawlty Towers - Sppppoons
Let Me Give You A Tip!
(I use Jim Gibbinson 12 foot 2 1/4 T/C Harrison Originals with a Greys tip spliced into the rod end).  Wikipedia A quiver tip is a flexible extension to a fishing rod which is designed to move, or quiver, when a fish takes the bait. The main characteristic of its design is its sensitivity. It is a popular and very effective method of bite indication both on still and running water. It is not used in game fishing (i.e. salmon, trout and sea trout) and is seldom, if ever, used when fishing for very large coarse fish (e.g. carp or pike). In essence, the angler watches the tip of the fishing rod to detect bites as opposed to, say, a float or an electronic bite alarm. My Bit… Let me readjust your modern Carp Angler thinking in a very nice way, in an effort to help you catch more Big Carp. There is no Electronic Bite Alarm which will out fish a Swing Tip / Quiver Tip. End of debate you can stop your internal dialogue now. Bin the Cognitive Dissonance. Accept it!! Not one! Learn to fish the Tips and it will put your catch rate through the roof!!
I use 30Lb Green Berkley Whiplash Braid on my Tip Rods connected to a vintage GTE 8000 Bait runner.   Berkley make the best Line / Brain available in my humble opinion. You need the set up to be light & very strong. You will be recasting a lot!!  I enjoy the buzz of that tip banging round and not knowing if it’s a Bream of a 40Lb Carp.  It’s called going Fishing!! Tight lines.
We like to keep a formal, professional office environment at all times. Only the most important Legal Literature adorns the waiting room area on open display. The rest of the boring stuff we keep in dusty cabinets in our offices. TT
They Simply Cannot Help Themselves The Power Play. This is the result of sticking Bloodworm & Joker into a very quiet margin over a 10 day period on a local big fish water. Do I expect to catch a Lump from this spot?? I will put £1000 quid on the answer being.; YES!!! TT.
The Law According to H&G
Rumours? No Its not a Rumour. We are sliding onto your waters undetected for a day session having paid for a ticket. We are landing huge Carp on our Old School methods and leaving before the gates close.  But do not worry.  We will be on and off your water, before you even know it’s happened.  Tight lines.
Casting Pearls Before Swine It’s a waste of my time. I am not in the habit of wasting my time. It’s not a dress rehearsal. Every session counts. You want to keep blanking? So be it Fella. Or you could switch on and learn new skills. Your call! TT.
Fully Booked
Guys we make no apologies for being hard to find and not being on Social Media. 1. I am fully booked all the time. 2. Social Media is an unhealthy s**t hole when it comes to this sport and not something we participate in. 3. If someone cancels I will try to fit you in. 4. Simply email me and I promise that I will get back to you. TT
Simply Follow The Rules & It Can & Will Happen For You Simon with his Lump!! Well done my Boy!  TT.
Spring Will Be Upon Us With A Big Bang! As Spring approaches this year you can be certain that the Carp will be on the move. The waters have been unmolested for almost a whole year now, and most waters will be devoid of the usual 50kilo a day of free offerings. (Pure Insanity but we all know that its going in). Ensure that you are able to move in 5 minutes flat, should you spot showing fish in a quiet area on your chosen water. This is not the time to be anchored to your peg / platform / swim looking like something from excellent; Northern Tackle Show. You aint moving in 5 mins flat if you have a tonne of tackle to move are you? No, you are not, it’s way too much hassle for you! Which means that you are cutting your chances of catching carp by 50%. Move to showing Carp always. Just fucking do it & learn to love it!! TIP. Do not let anyone put you off moving around the lake, ignore their childish remarks. Stick a 40lb lump on the scales, this usually shuts the fucking clowns up!! Bring on the Spring Time. Let’s Turn & Burn!! Tight Lines.
The Power Of  Tiger Nut & Hemp Milk I blend a little Bloodworm & Joker into some of mine on occasion. TT.
CC & The Japanese Carp Rig We are proud to announce that we are now in talks with several Japanese Hook Manufacturers.   We will choose only one manufacturer to assist us in the production of our new Ultra Sharpe Hook & Rig.  Once we have signed contracts and the Patent is secured. We will launch a devastating, completely new, Ultra Sharpe – Carp Hook & Rig into the market.   This is a Carp Rig which we have already been utilising for the last 18 months. We have had mind bending results on waters across Germany & the UK. I would like to thank my Spay Casting - Salmon Fishing - Japanese Guru, for his input into the rig. Watch this space!! My favourite phrase is; “It’s Not Rocket Science! “  I stand corrected & humbled. It’s shockingly effective & it was hiding in plain sight.
Betrayal!!! See earlier post (They Simply Cannot Help Themselves). I told him because he is a trusted mate, like a brother. I would walk through fire for him. Take a bullet for the bloke. We have fished together for 30 + years. 38lb Old Warrior caught off of my Bloodworm margin spot!! I know you’re pissing yourself with laughter.
 Its seriously not Funny!!! And no the Expensive Bottle of Brandy will not help you redeem yourself. You owe me big time. I will wipe that grin off of your face Judas. Very impressive angling mind………. LOL!!!
Kingy Be Pre Warned!! We are turning up to Kingfisher Pond often this year, having spent many years away from it. Chasing bigger fish on much harder waters. Its time to return. We have a little unfinished business. Kingfisher is Bluebells Lakes. Tansor. Near Peterborough, for the uninitiated. It’s a stunner of a water, the old home of Benson. (A stunning, beautiful old Carp and a friend of mine by the way. Enough said)….. We will say hello to Tony & his family upon arrival. It’s nice to be polite. Nice to be nice, always. Having fished Kingy for many years now, we show respect where its due. We will empty it, as usual, it’s not a difficult water once you get your head around it. You simply need to switch on guys!! It will piss the Syndicate members off I am sure. They will flex their muscles and posture like children. Tough, learn to fish it and stop fucking whining!  A Free Tip. Before you all start getting bent out of shape. Fish the margins, quietly, no fuss. No NOISE!!
Pop a little Hemp, Joker / Bloodworm into the margin at any time of year & I mean a little bit. It works well. A small palm full, maximum!! 1 rod if you dare. Lift on a couple of bleeps. It’s a highly pressured water. You may think it’s a Bream bite. And yes there is a healthy head of Bream in Kingy. However the Big Carp on Kingy suck & eject bait constantly. So lift on a few bleeps. Chill out. Relax into the session. It’s not rocket science brother. See you there. (By the way. Jays Common.? I caught this fish before it was Named. At 40 Lb ish, years ago. If you can locate JH & his Baits ask the fella to make you some of his stunning N – Butyric baits. Magnificent. I used his Banana - N – Butyric 18 mills for several seasons 8 odd years ago ish, and caught a shed load of carp on them). JH where ever you are. Tight lines buddy. TT.
Smelly Butter & Baits Butyric acid (from Ancient Greek: βούτῡρον, meaning "butter"), also known under the systematic name butanoic acid, is a straight-chain alkyl carboxylic acid with the chemical formula CH3CH2CH2CO2H. It is an oily, colourless liquid with an unpleasant odor Isobutyric acid (2- methylpropanoic acid) is an isomer.  Salts and esters of butyric acid are known as butyrates or butanoates. The acid does not occur widely in nature, but its esters are widespread. We will do a paper on the sheer pulling power of this Rancid Butter Stunner. Be patient. TT.
Wonderful - Perfect - Carp Catching Spring Time
We love Springtime. Is it just me or do we have stunning, fin perfect old Carp crawling up the banks to say hello this year? I’m a dozen in the sling already, and its only April! “It's spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you've got it, you want—oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!” Mark Twain
Maybe I’m Losing It? An old mate of mine just sent me a picture of myself.  On the bank in Germany from the early 1980’s. Chasing Carp in 1986 apparently. I simply do not remember it at all. I remember owning the old Optonics made by Optonic. The size of house bricks! The Armourlite Rods. The Monkey Climbers. The Green Cap is a Benson & Hedges BAOR Cap from the 1986 Season. Well there you go. Way too much Warsteiner / Krombacher or Herforder Pilsner for my own good I reckon.
Tight lines. TT.
I grew up fishing on the River Witham as a kid. My family home was 22 Tall Trees Hamilton Road. (The House Behind the trees in the picture). I could cast into the river from the garden, the river is literally 8 paces from the garden wall. My old mum god bless her allowed me to fish well after bedtime on a summer school night, because she could see me and I was staying out of trouble. However. As a kid I got smashed up all the time by some very big fish, on balmy summer evenings. I always thought that it was big Chub taking my Hemp, Tares & Casters. Today I walked the river from The Plough Pub to Jacksons Dry Cleaners for the first time in years. I spotted several large River Carp, slowly swimming around just under the surface today. Several very long (Leney) looking Golden Commons.
My mind went straight back to the 1970’s, getting trashed by big fish while fishing my Youngs Purist Centre Pin & Stick Float.   So, having a lifetime of fishing under my belt today, I reckon it was Big Carp & not Big Chub back then.   I’m going to start fishing the River Witham again on warm summer evenings, it’s totally devoid of anglers at the best of times. Let’s see if we can catch a few of the big old ones this time around 45 + years later on.  It will be very good for the soul if nothing else. Tight Lines.
Lincoln & The Wonderful River Witham!
Its Sunday, 2 May 2021 Just loaded the Beast with tackle which fits onto my old Nash Trax. On my way To Kingy at sparrows fart. (That’s Kingfisher Lake. Tansor for the uninitiated). A Big S/W Blow will have Huge Carp on the move on this water. Trust me on this point. They will all be looking for cover. Big Willow is position A. Anything on The Creek Bank will do me though. Let’s be mobile & move around the Creek Bank Swims if we can. Big  S/W Winds on Kingy = Big Carp In The Cradle Brother. Let’s have it!!! Go Hard or Go Home!
Don’t Panic. The Steps is not a peg!! My preparation had been meticulous. I popped down the day before for a recce and spent several hours just walking and looking under the margin cover. Or sitting, watching and drinking a sickly sweet brew. I spotted a few lumps under the usual margin willows. The Heat 1 Rod. (A nice soft Harrison Ballista. Perfect for lunging margin Carp). Ultra-Sharp Hooks. 4 Kilo of (Natural Fresh Bloodworm). 1 Pint of Sticky Bloodworm crumb. 1 Pint of Casters. 1 pint of Hemp. A few fat Lob Worms. Half a dozen “Growlers” in my pocket for hookers. 10 metre Baiting Pole & Spoon. Chest Waders. I’m Gonna fish right under the margin cover. Maybe 2 metres out. Arrived 07:30. Paid for my ticket. I’m set up on Kingy. I’m on “The Steps”. ( The best peg on Kingy for a Big S/W Blow!!) Guess what? My old mate Jim turns up in his Orange & Black - Banana Splits Dune Buggy to inform me thus; “The Steps Is No Longer A Peg Tobe!”… “It’s no longer a peg Jim?” I replied. “No Mate! Sorry.” Don’t Panic!!!!! Being the good-natured fellow that I am I took it in good grace and had a little giggle to myself.
I had already counted 6 big fish rolling in the swim, as I was setting up. It was bang on! The wind was starting to pile into the margin, the carp were on the wind. However. I’m now moving. No other pegs were free on the Creek Bank. I had a brew and slow pack away, contemplating what could have been. Anyhow. It was End Of Exercise!!.... Put the Guns back in their sheds. Get yourself off to a beer garden Lad. Close, but no cigar. Next!!
As a former Member of 55 The Residency Field Battery RA. 49 Field Regt. The only Sub Unit of The British Army to have the Union Flag as our Battery Colours. I am very proud of my Battery Colours! If you insist on flying my Battery Colours from your Bivvy, a lesson. Please stop flying it upside down. You total w****r! A lesson. 1. The Thick White Strip Goes to the top of the pole. 2. On the Left Hand Side. 3. Otherwise It’s the wrong way up. 4. Men died for this Flag. 5. Have some respect and fly The Flag the correct way up. TT.
It’s the wrong way up. You total t****r!!
One year on Burghfield in early 2013 5 days on, 2 days off. Spiritual. Stunning. Hilariously funny. We caught a few Big Carp. Great times with trusted mates. We danced in the dark to the tune of the Lake on many occasions.
June And The Glorious 16th Itching for the season to start, now. 1. Trusty Old Youngs Centre Pin 2. 4 lb Maxima straight through to an ultra-sharpe old school Mustad Hook. 3. Stick Floats. 4. Bait Apron. 5. Hemp, Tares, Casters & Sweetcorn. 6. Couple of Kilo Of Bloodworm Ground bait to go down the Track. 7. Landing net. 8. Water Craft, and a Slack-Handful of Magic. 9. Its only £40 A Year For The Season Ticket!!!! 10. The Trent & Witham in my area are full of Big Carp. The Rivers are totally devoid of anglers today. A total No brainer.   Let’s see if we can’t lands a few of those Big “Leney” looking long Golden River Commons. Tight Lines.
The Old Mill Stretch. (Carp to 30lb+). (If you get bored of catching carp from amongst the Lilly pads along this stretch. You can always pop into the Mill Bar for a cold pint or 6).
Stunning Photo even if I say so myself. Cannon EOS 40D. I reckon it was a lucky snap on that evening. However it’s a belter of an image and sums up my carp addiction perfectly. You got to be on the waters to catch the Karma Fella. Tight Lines.
Image © Copyright T Taylor 2013
“Penny” For Your Thoughts Apparently she is 42 + lb today. Tip. No Matter what you reckon you have caught and bragged about, some of us may have been there before you and said nothing at all. So why not try to enjoy the journey & simply ignore what you have caught? You were not the first my friend!! PS. Penny Loves Bloodworms & Joker. You want to catch her. Pile the Bloodworm & Joker into a quiet margin on Kingy. And be very still. No Noise!!!
She has a habit of spitting them all over the place if you try to cuddle her post landing net picture, Lol. Tight lines.
Are We All Ready For The 16th? The Glorious 16th is a Ritual. Or it should be for us all. It’s the 14th of June as I post this. Two days to go before the season starts then Lads! Preparation A few pints of Hemp & Tares are cooked and turned dark with the addition of a littler Baking Soda & Sugar. Youngs Canter Pin has new 4 lb Old School Maxima on it. Waders / Stick Float Box / Terminal Tackle etc are all packed in the car boot. My old Bait Apron is spotless. Got a load of Freshly - Frozen Bloodworm in Ground Bait / Dark Casters / which I kept back specifically for the 16th. Mentality Please chill out and enjoy the day. It’s not a competition. Leave your Ego at home FFS!  (If you see me and I can help you catch a few simply ask). Locations Gonna hit The River Trent at Dunham Bridge in the day and move onto the River Witham by Jacksons Dry Cleaners (St Catherine’s-Lincoln) in the early evening. I have been quietly Pre Baiting for  a week on both stretches. (No Noise - No Pack Drill). Target Fish I will take a 12oz Roach. A decent Chub. A few double figure Big Snotty Bream. A nice Golden River Common Carp would be lovely. I’m not fussed on the 16th. Anything is good Karma. Nothing matters, apart from being on the water, in nature, with a bend in the rod. Let’s welcome her home after a shit Covid year. Tight Lines & good luck.
Nick Drake- Riverman
Forced Methods On Carp Waters In Building & Engineering The forced method or the method of consistent deformation is based on the equilibrium of forces and compatibility of structures. The method entails first selecting the unknown redundant for the structure and then removing the redundant reactions or members to obtain the primary structure. In Carp Fishing The” Forced Method” is nothing more than Group Think. Total f*****g Bollocks. 1. A method of fishing a certain water which has been Imprinted / Forced / Bullshitted onto other Anglers by total Tossers or Wannabi “Alpha Carp Fishing Males” who are pretending to know something about the water which others do not know. 2. This will have a detrimental effect on every session that you fish on the given water if you choose to listen to the morons. 3. DO NOT LISTEN TO THEIR BULLSHIT!!!   Ignore the following The Local Guru. The Local Sage. The Local Expert.   They are all usually FOS!! (Full Of Shit). In all cases “The Forced Method” is total bollocks. In Conclusion Fish your own session.
Think it through. Do not buy any bait which has been pushed / forced onto the water by the owner of the complex. Tip. (Put Bloodworm / Joker / Hemp & Corn and a few Tigers if allowed into your bait box. Fish for a bite. I will be turning up to waters this year, & emptying them in an effort to demonstrate that you and. “Your Method” are full of shit !!! Tight Lines.
The Method is Pop Up’s, on a bed of Boilie, at distance. So I fished a Tiger Nut. In The Margin. 34 Lb Common in the net!! Lol.
Image © Toby Taylor
Image © Toby Taylor
Image © Toby Taylor
Image © Toby Taylor
Image © Toby Taylor
Image © Toby Taylor
Image © Toby Taylor
Image © Toby Taylor
Image © Toby Taylor
Image © Toby Taylor
Image © Toby Taylor
Image © Toby Taylor
Image © Toby Taylor
Image © Toby Taylor
Image © Toby Taylor
Image © Toby Taylor
Image © Toby Taylor
Image © Toby Taylor
Image © Toby Taylor
Image © Toby Taylor
Image © Toby Taylor
Image © Toby Taylor
Image © Toby Taylor
Image © Toby Taylor